Kythryn's Maps: Ilithi

- Map 38 - Undergondola & Eleven Fortress: Chyolvea Tayeu'a, Dragon's Spine, Undergondola - updated 1-10
- Map 39 - Fayrin's Rest & The Abyss: The Abyss, Darkmist Moor, South Road & Fayrin's Rest - updated 1-10
- Map 40 - SCC: Steel Claw Clan & Fallow Fields - updated 1-10
- Map 41 - Shard gates & Whistling Woods: Shard ring roads, Lake of Tears, Whistling Woods, Prairie & Catherine's Court - updated 1-10
- Map 42 - Shard: City of Shard - updated 1-10
- Map 43 - Shard interiors: Shard interiors & Inns, Housing areas, Museum, Theatre, Temples & Great Tower - updated 1-10
- Map 44 - Shard Elothean Houses: Public areas of each of the Elothean Houses - updated 1-10
- Map 45 - UnderShard: Under the city of Shard - updated 1-10
- Map 46 - Corik's Wall: Corik's Wall, Darkling Woods, Blackthorn Canyon, Lost Grounds & Decrepit Road - updated 1-10
- Map 47 - Horse Clan: Horse Clan, Gilen Otso Steppes, Ranger Guild - updated 1-10
- Ilithi Misc - Restricted Access areas in Ilithi: Estate Holder,Guild, Citizen & Other restricted areas in Ilithi. This is a supplemental map to the set and may contain spoilers. - updated 1-10