Kythryn's Maps: Qi'Reshalia

- Map 49 - Lezeni's Cove: Aesry docks, Lezeni's Cove, Sea Caves & hunting - updated 5-09
- Map 50 - Shadaer Jama (road to Aesry): Shadaer Jama - updated 5-09
- Map 51 - Aesry Surlaenis'a: city of Aesry and surrounding areas - updated 5-09
- Map 52 - Aesry Surlaenis'a Interiors: Aesry Interiors & Tethloren Island - updated 5-09
- Map 53 - Cliff Trail: Cliff Trail, Meadowlands & Highlands housing, Necropolis - updated 5-09
- Map 54 - Costal Road: Ratha Costal Road, Costal Path & Pokekehekepi Beachhead (in progress) - updated 3-06
- Map 55 - RTR: Reshalia Trade Route , Tembat Nai Itan & Tzgaa'lakh'adu'gai - updated 5-09
- Map 56 - Ratha 3rd & 4th Tiers: City of Ratha 3rd & 4th (Shh'o'kumu Terrace) Tiers - updated 5-09
- Map 57 - Ratha 1st & 2nd Tiers: City of Ratha 1st & 2nd Tiers - updated 5-09
- Map 58 - Ratha Interiors: Guilds, inns, theatre, town hall, Meadow Park - updated 5-09
- Map 59 - Ratha Sewers: The Ehhrsk Highway (Ratha Sewers) - updated 4-06
- Map 60 - Taisgath & Seerah: Taisgath Island and The Seerah Wreck - updated 4-06
- Map 62 - Hara'jaal: island of Hara'jaal, The Enclave and The Tasia'zaul - updated 4-09
- Map 63 - Mer'Kresh: city of Mer'Kresh & Galleys - updated 5-09
- Map 64 - Mer'Kresh Interiors and Canals: canal hunting areas, interiors - updated 4-09
- Map 65 - Southern M'Riss: Southern M'Riss, Fever Point, Fala Inisharon - updated 4-09
- Map 66 - Northern M'Riss: Northern M'Riss, Dunes of Despair, Penal Colony - updated 4-09
- Map 68 - Ship Maps: Layout of all public sea-faring ships - updated 4-05
- QiMisc - Restricted Access areas in Qi'Reshalia: Estate Holder,Guild, Citizen & Other restricted areas on the islands. This is a supplemental map to the set and may contain spoilers. - updated 4-09